3. | 以下連接只提供英文版本: Yeung, E.S. and Cheung, A.Y.K. (2017). Dramatic Effects on a Static Stage: Cantonese Opera Costumes at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. In: Brooks, M.M. and Eastop, D.D., eds. Refashioning and Redress: Conserving and Displaying Dress. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 213-224.(如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
3. | 以下連接只提供英文版本: Liu, A.W.S., Wong, A.K.K. and Yeung, E.S. (2016), ‘Challenges and approaches in conserving New Ink Art'. In Townsend, J.H., Nevin, A., Atkinson, J. K., Saunders, D. and Brokerhof, A. (eds), Preprints of Saving the Now: Crossing Boundaries to Conserve Contemporary Works: IIC 2016 Los Angeles Congress, 12-16 September 2016, Los Angeles. UK: Taylor & Francis, S2 120-125.(如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
4. | 以下連接只提供英文版本: Leung, E., Tsang, A., Wong, J. and Kan, D. (2016), ‘How far should we go? A controversial issue in mural conservation in Hong Kong'. In Townsend, J.H., Nevin, A., Atkinson, J. K., Saunders, D. and Brokerhof, A. (eds), Preprints of Saving the Now: Crossing Boundaries to Conserve Contemporary Works: IIC 2016 Los Angeles Congress, 12-16 September 2016, Los Angeles. UK: Taylor & Francis, S2 300-301.(如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
5. | 以下連接只提供英文版本: Tse, J. (2016), ‘Development of a new environmental monitoring system for museums and galleries using RFID-enabled technology'. In Townsend, J.H., Nevin, A., Atkinson, J. K., Saunders, D. and Brokerhof, A. (eds), Preprints of Saving the Now: Crossing Boundaries to Conserve Contemporary Works: IIC 2016 Los Angeles Congress, 12-16 September 2016, Los Angeles. UK: Taylor & Francis, S2 334-335.(如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
6. | 以下連接只提供英文版本: Wong, Y.K., Liu, S., Kam, R., Lai, W.F. and Tsang, A. (2016), ‘Conservation of outdoor sculpture: Challenges of three installations in Hong Kong'. In Townsend, J.H., Nevin, A., Atkinson, J. K., Saunders, D. and Brokerhof, A. (eds), Preprints of Saving the Now: Crossing Boundaries to Conserve Contemporary Works: IIC 2016 Los Angeles Congress, 12-16 September 2016, Los Angeles. UK: Taylor & Francis, S2 340-342.(如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
1. | 張婉娟、岑穎雅、Lydia Messerschmidt、楊甦 (2014) 。〈清代絲織壽幛材料研究與修護〉載於Townsend, J.H., Nevin, A., Rivers, S., Knight, B., Chan, S.W., Yeung, E., Tang, C. and Liu, C. 編,《源遠流長:東亞藝術文物與文化遺產的修護》國際文物修護學會2014香港會議文集, 2014年9月22-26日,香港。倫敦:Maney 出版社,頁28-31。 (如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
2. | 梁崇天、簡國偉、甘婉君 (2014) 。〈修復泥塑像的二元加固法〉載於Townsend, J.H., Nevin, A., Rivers, S., Knight, B., Chan, S.W., Yeung, E., Tang, C. and Liu, C. 編,《源遠流長:東亞藝術文物與文化遺產的修護》國際文物修護學會2014香港會議文集,2014年9月22-26日,香港。倫敦:Maney 出版社,頁88-91。 (如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
3. | 廖慧沁、何綺雯、黎鎮英 (2014) 。〈百年中式文獻的修復挑戰:易暈散的紅欄線》,海報文稿發表於《源遠流長:東亞藝術文物與文化遺產的修護》國際文物修護學會香港會議,2014年9月22-26日,香港。 (如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
1. | 以下連接只提供英文版本: Liu, A.W.S. (2012) Traditional Mounting Styles and Presentation Techniques of Scrolls. In: Cather, S., eds. The Decorative: Conservation and the Applied Arts: IIC 2012 Vienna, 10-14 September 2012, Vienna, Italy. London: The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 369-370.(如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
2. | 以下連接只提供英文版本: Cheung, A.Y.K., Tsang, A.C.H., Sam, L.W.A. (2012) Glittering Decorative Art: Reflective Cantonese Opera Costumes. In: Cather, S., eds. The Decorative: Conservation and the Applied Arts: IIC 2012 Vienna Congress, 10-14 September 2012, Vienna, Italy. London: The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 346-347.(如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
4. | 以下連接只提供英文版本: Tse J.C.Y., Chan, S.W. and Yeung, E.S. (2008) The Fireboat Alexander Grantham: An Accessible Artifact. In: Saunders, D., Townsend, J. and Woodcock, S. eds. Conservation and Access: Contributions to the London Congress, 15-19 September 2008, London, UK. London: The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 136.(如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
5. | 以下連接只提供英文版本: Chan, S.W., Leung, E.S.T. and Yeung, E.S. (2008) Finding the Missing: Wall Tiles Transfer for Kom Tong Hall. In: Saunders, D., Townsend, J. and Woodcock, S. eds. Conservation and Access: Contributions to the London Congress, 15-19 September 2008, London, UK. London: The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 243.(如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |
1. | 以下連接只提供英文版本: Chan, S.W., Yeung, E.S. and Tse, J.C.Y. (2006) Bringing a Second Life to a Historical Vessel, the Conservation Strategy for Fireboat Alexander Grantham. Poster presentation at: The Object in Context: Crossing Conservation Boundaries: IIC 2006 Munich Congress, 28 August - 1 September 2006, Munich, Germany.(如需查閱內容,請與文物修復辦事處聯絡) |