We have put together answers to some common questions to help you understand the Office and our services. If you have any questions which are not answered here, please email conservation@lcsd.gov.hk.


Q1. What are the services provided by Conservation Office to LCSD museums?
  The Conservation Office provides crucial and expert conservation support to the collections of Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) museums through preventive conservation (preserving cultural heritage by controlling storage and display environments, pests and human factors such as good practice of handling, transport, display and storage methods); and interventive conservation, in which treatment plans for aretfacts are executed according to their conservation needs using state-of-the-art techniques and equipment.
Q2. Can I visit the conservation facilities in museums?
  While the facilities of Conservation Office are not open for public visit, you may have opportunities to visit our facilities by joining the programmes and events organized by LCSD, such as the Muse Fest HK. Please refer to the websites of LCSD and our Office for updated information.
Q3. Are there any volunteer activities in conservation for the public?
  LCSD has launched a Museum Volunteer Scheme (MVS) since 2017. MVS volunteers could apply for service on various aspects in museums, including but not limited to conservation work at our office.
Q4. Can I have access to the conservation reference materials in the Resource Centre?
Our Resource Centre provides a range of reference materials such as books, scientific literature, periodicals, journals, audio-visual materials to conservation network for those who are interested in the subject of conservation.
Location : Room 202, 2/F, Hong Kong Museum of History, 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong
For enquiry or appointment, please contact us at Tel: 2724 9059 or email: conservation@lcsd.gov.hk
Q5. Does Conservation Office provide valuation, authentication, appraisal, conservation and preservation services of artefacts for the public?
  Conservation Office does not provide any such services to the public.
Q6. Are there any referral contacts of experts for the above service? 
  Conservation Office does not make such referrals.