Muse Fest HK 2023 Highlights

The Conservation Office had such a great time participating in the Muse Fest HK 2023 this year to introduce our work to the public! We joined the two-day carnival "A Fiesta of Imagination" in the lower piazza of Hong Kong Science Museum by hosting an activity booth Conservator’s Ingenious Trick - Agar Gel to deliver the message of cultural heritage conservation through fun activities. 
At the booth, our conservators revealed the trick of using agar, an edible material from algae and a type of hydrogel that could be applied in the conservation of cultural heritage to tackle stains and as a medium for controlled moisture release. In addition to learning the facts and science about hydrogels, the public also had fun removing imitated stains on tiles and plastic toys using molten agar. We were glad to share our work and conservation tips with over 700 members of the public at the event!
The family workshop Conserve it! Wonder Gel! was developed and organized in collaboration with the Hong Kong Science Museum for the first time, where families learnt the theories of hydrogel, the kids geared up in lab coats as conservators then experimented with hydrogels in simulated conservation scenarios, and even made their own agar gels to take home! Well done to all families and kid conservators in completing the challenges! 
We also opened our doors to welcome members of the public in the Conservation Lab Tour at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. Participants were given a tour of our behind-the-scenes conservation laboratories, our conservators also showcased their recent projects and gave tips on preserving precious memorabilia at home! 
It was wonderful to see so many families and the public to be connected and engaged with the conservation of our local cultural heritage. Stay tuned to our social media and website for our upcoming activities, we hope to see you at our next event!